Tree Bless

Tree Bless

100 Years Investment In Madinah

Project to grow 5000 Date Palms.

2024 - 2025

Our Mission

We Grow Orchards for Future Generations

Grow Date Palms Orchard

We utilize crowdfunding to gather loans and establish orchards in Madinah Province.

Pay Back the Funders

At the conclusion of the fourth year, we either reimburse all funds to the investors or reinvest them to expand and cultivate a new orchard.

Endowment (WAQF)

The proceeds generated from the orchard are allocated to the charitable cause or nonprofit organization of your choosing for a period of up to 100 years.


Subscriptions made easily accessible for everyone to join

We’ve structured the project on a subscription model to ensure it’s accessible for everyone to join in supporting the noble cause.

One for Me

A tree will be planted in your name, and its produce will be donated to the cause of your choice.


*15 months subscription

Two for Parents

Two trees will be planted in honor of your parents, and their produce will be donated to the cause of your choice.


*15 months subscription

Four for Family

Four trees will be planted in honor of your family, and their produce will be donated to the cause of your choice.


*15 months subscription

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